The new Indiana Tech Law School provides contemporary legal education through the classrooms, faculty offices, the law library, a trial courtroom and legal clinics.
Good acoustics is a key component of making this educational facility a success. The showcase round courtroom incorporates acoustical treatments and sound isolation from adjacent spaces and outdoor noise to best simulate a government courtroom atmosphere. All classrooms have been designed for lectures as well as interactive group discussions, providing collaborative and experiential learning. The sound isolation performance of all partitions was designed with the end user and room function in mind.
Three façades are exposed to high levels of vehicle noise from cars and trucks traveling one of the main routes through town. The constructions necessary for outdoor-to-indoor sound reduction was determined through traffic noise measurements and façade element sound transmission calculations. With the enhanced sound blocking constructions, traffic noise does not intrude and distract occupants, as evidenced by occupant satisfaction.
Indiana Institute of Technology
Law School Building
Fort Wayne, Indiana