Regardless of the cost or sophistication, an audio system can only achieve its ultimate potential when the underlying room acoustical environment is optimized. To this end, Soundscape Engineering has partnered with some of North America’s leading audiovisual system designers to provide clients with acoustical environments that compliment the audiovisual systems. We work with the audiovisual system design firm that is most suited to designing the system for your project, based on geographic location and project type. Whether your project is located in Winnipeg, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Chicago, Indianapolis, Boston, Detroit, or elsewhere; whether it’s an auditorium, academic building, corporate office, church, arena, transportation terminal, or shopping mall; Soundscape Engineering and our audiovisual system design partners can provide an audiovisual system design and acoustical environment optimized for one another and aesthetically integrated with the project architecture.
Our audiovisual systems design partners are all independent consulting firms with no ties to any specific gear manufacturer. They do not get paid to specify any particular product. They provide audiovisual system designs that are free of the bias inherent in any design created by a company that also sells gear. Our partners work with you to design systems and specify system components that will best meet your needs.
Our partners are not systems integrators, i.e., they are not audiovisual systems installation contractors. Our partners deliver drawings and systems specifications to be bid upon by systems integrators. In contrast to the services provided by a “design-build” audiovisual contractor, you save money through the open bid process while also having an independent expert and advocate for your needs reviewing the installation and ensuring that the installation is true to the system design and specifications.
Contact us to learn more or to obtain a quote for design and consulting services.